Weekly Zodiac Predictions for the Week Start from 15-December-2024
You may involve in some sorts of clashes resulting in your running projects will be ruined. Do not believe on strangers otherwise you may suffer financial loss. Your health may need concern. Think twice before speaking anything in the public and control your anger also to avoid any mishappening. You may buy something new for your house. Your interest may develop towards occult science or religious literature. Your family disputes may be resolved amicably. Your property related disputes will be sorted out and you will be the gainer in that deal. Do not involve in any confrontations, as you may lose your temper, resulting in your health may deteriorated. You are likely to promote to the next rank. Drive your vehicle very carefully as there are chances of some minor accident.
Weekly Zodiac Predictions for the Week Start from 22-December-2024
You may receive some sort of mixed results in this week. You may recover your loaned out money from your friends and relatives with the intervention of an influential person. You may be ready to shoulder extra responsibilities during this week. You will be able to teach a lesson to your rivals. You will be able to make profits in this week from your profession. Your health will be normal. You will get help of your friends and colleagues to complete your old pending projects. Court cases if any may go in favor of you. You may receive some unpleasant news which may disturb you. Very good time for students, they may get success in everywhere. There is nothing new in this week for you. Stay cautions in this week. You may receive mixed results during his week. Do not travel during this week.
Weekly Zodiac Predictions for the Week Start from 29-December-2024
You may travel a lot during this week which will prove to be very rewarding. These journeys will be related to your business/profession. Your repo will enhance and you will be praised at your workplace and in society. You will be successful in whatever you do. Your expenses will increase and tension will be mount regarding money related maters. During he last days of he week you may suffer a financial loss as well as your prestige, causing you mental tensions. You will have some new friends, which were helpful in the near future.